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Originally uploaded by SavvyKAT

This is generally how the play dates go lately. Hank best friend is a Bichon Frisé named Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington. Mims or Mimsy for short, and Sir Nicholas when he is in trouble! ha

When Hank and Mimsy were first introduced Hank was entirely too rambunctious and Mimsy was too young and scared. Over time they became bestest buds since they are neighbors. Hank and Mims’ first few successful play dates consisted of running all over the apartments and up and down the stairs. Sometimes running around in the hall way.

Now Hank is almost 3 and Mims almost 2. Lately the play dates consist of a good solid 1 minute of running around only to be followed by tons of turns drinking water. Then laying on the couches. Sometimes together. Sometimes on separate couches. Sometimes Hank on the couch and Mimsy above him in the window sill. There they lay until Mimsy’s mom is ready to go home.

This is a picture of the last play date. Mimsy is watching Hank compulsively lick his paws.